Welcome to our new Governors

Posted on 9/27/2023
This month we’re delighted to announce the appointment of three new Governors to Centennial Parklands Foundation, who each bring diverse skills, experience and expertise to the roles

A new home for our black swans

Posted on 9/27/2023
Resident black swans at Kippax Lake in Moore Park have recently been treated to a new habitat, thanks to generous donations to the Legacy Fund last year.

Connecting with our community

Posted on 4/4/2023
In February, Greater Sydney Parklands finalised its Consultation and Engagement Framework and you can read it along with comments from the Parklands community here.

Introducing new Chair, Ilan Israelstam

Posted on 4/4/2023
Following Fiona de Jong’s recent move to Italy, the Foundation Board has appointed Ilan Israelstam as the new Chair.